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香港犀利士網購 Tadacip 20mg Tablet

商品名稱 犀利士20mg Tadacip 20mg 香港犀利士
生產廠家 Cipla Ltd.
包裝規格 4錠一盒,每錠20mg
主要成分 他達拉非 Tadalafil
使用方法 提前約30-45分鐘空腹服用,實際使用表明提前2小時空腹服用效果更佳。犀利士功效能有效持續36小時以上
適應症 用于治療陰莖勃起性功能障礙(ED)
使用禁忌 1.禁止酗酒服用 2.禁止與其它藥物一同服用
適用人群 18-75歲男性群體
保存期 3年

Tadacip 20是什麼?

Tadacip 20是一種口服的藥物,主要成份為他達拉非(Tadalafil)。它是一種治療男性勃起功能障礙的藥物(也稱為陽痿)。Tadacip 20可以增加血液流向陰莖,從而使男性在性刺激下更容易達成及維持勃起。

這款犀利士 tadacip 20 一錠的劑量為20mg他達拉非,一盒4錠990元,相對於禮來犀利士價格更優惠,藥物效果不減,是性價比最好的犀利士產品之一,犀利士tadacip20 在同房前35-40分鐘服用一錠,即可改善勃起功能障礙,有效時長長達36小時以上。

犀利士Tadacip 20服用方法

犀利士Tadacip 20 建議在同房前35-40分鐘服用一錠,首次服用建議切半服用10mg,根據個人情況,可能需要增加或減少。需要注意的是,犀利士最好是空腹服用效果最佳,飽腹服用可能會影響犀利士的效果發揮。

犀利士20mg Tadacip服用注意事項

避免過度飲酒:請避免過量飲酒後服用犀利士20mg Tadacip,酒精會影響到功效的發揮。

勿與其他藥物同服:請勿與其他含有硝酸藥物的藥物一起服用,這可能會導致降低血壓及嚴重的副作用。使用犀利士20mg Tadacip時,請注意安全問題。如果在服用後出現任何不適,請立即就醫。



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可以打開犀利士下單頁面:https://www.tadacip.vip/order 寫收貨人資訊,按立即下單即可完成訂單。目前犀利士官網下單後預計3-5個工作天即可送達,順豐貨到付款隱秘包裝。

犀利士20mg Tadacip20 常見問題

Tadacip 20 是否會有副作用?


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使用犀利士 Tadacip 20 時應遵循哪些注意事項?


Tadacip 20 是否適合所有人使用?


What is Tadacip 20mg Tablet?

Tadacip 20mg Tablet is used to treat erectile brokenness in men. It increases stream development to the penis to help men with getting an erection. It works by helping with relaxing the veins in your penis, allowing blood to stream into your penis when you get truly vivified.

Tadacip 20mg Tablet may be taken while starving or with a supper. It should be totally taken as maintained by your fundamental idea all around informed power. The drug will conceivably help you with getting an erection if you are truly maintained. You should recall it almost one hour before you mean to participate in sexual relations. Degree of time its doubt to work shifts starting with one individual then onto the going with, yet it dependably expects between 30 minutes and an hour. Potentially take it on the off risk that you truly need it and it has been stayed aware of to you by an especially educated power.

The most well known consequences of this arrangement are flushing, cerebral hopelessness, tangled vision, muscle torture, stomach upset, and rash. Visit with your huge idea ace if the partner impacts upset you or will not vanish.

This arrangement isn’t typical for use by women and men should do whatever it takes not to use maybe a few solutions to get deficiency without talking an especially educated power. It might be dangerous to take it close by arrangements called nitrates (given for chest, in light of everything, torture). Genuinely make an effort not to take this drug if you have serious heart or liver issues, expecting you have really experienced a cardiovascular disillusionment or coronary episode plainly expecting you have low circulatory strain. Enlighten your PCP concerning whether you experience the detestable impacts of these or another loads going before taking it. You shouldn’t drive expecting that this prescription makes you feel faint looked at. Avoid drinking alcohol while enduring through this prescription as it can incite optional impacts.


In Treatment of Erectile brokenness
Tadacip 20mg Tablet has a spot with a party of plans called PDE5 inhibitors. The veins in your penis are calmed as a result of it. This licenses blood to stream into the penis and produce an erection when really blended. This strategy will perhaps help with getting an erection enduring you are really vivified. It is solid districts for splendidly ought to be required some spot essentially 30 minutes before sexual new development.

Genuinely make an effort not to take this arrangement expecting that you besides consume drugs called nitrates (reliably given for chest torture).


Tadacip 20mg Tablet is a phosphodiesterase (PDE-5) inhibitor. It works in erectile brokenness by stretching out dissemination framework to the penis by loosening up the muscles in penile veins.

Quick tips

For the treatment of erectile dysfunction, Tadacip Tadacip 20mg Tablet has been suggested to you.

Taking it an hour sooner sex is perfect. In any case, you can take it whenever between 30 minutes and 4 hours before sexual turn of events.

Try not to take it fundamentally a few times every day.

It could comparatively be utilized for treating the urinary consequences of an extended prostate organ (harmless prostatic hyperplasia).

It could cause instability or obscured vision. Try not to drive or do anything requiring focus until you comprehend what it means for you.

Try not to drink liquor as it can decrease your capacity to get an erection and can upset shakiness.

Look for clinical idea tolerating the erection happen for over 4 hours after sex.

Try not to utilize Tadacip 20 Tablet in the event that you have really taken nitrates (prescriptions utilized in angina or chest torment), assuming that you have had a coronary episode in the beyond 90 days, or stroke or cardiovascular breakdown in the beyond a half year.

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